使用肥皂、冲热水凉、压力大或处于非常干燥的环境中 都会使皮肤干燥。虽然皮肤干燥有机会影响任何人,但随着年龄的增长会更常见,皮肤干燥会发生在身体的任何部位,通常是小腿、手肘和手臂。所有 Dermeze 得美滋 保湿乳霜及乳液都经过皮肤测试,可用于干燥和敏感的肌肤,并且不含常见的刺激物,如香料、色素和防腐剂(对羟基苯甲酸酯)。 Dermeze 得美滋 保湿乳霜及保湿乳液适合干性皮肤,特别适合用于面部和底妆。如果您正在寻找适合极干性皮肤的面霜,Dermeze 得美滋 修护乳霜可以帮助皮肤保持水分。
All Dermeze moisturisers have been dermatologically tested for use in dry and sensitive skin and are free from common irritants such as fragrances, colours, and parabens. Our Dermeze non-greasy Moisturising Lotion and Moisturising Cream for dry skin are particularly suitable for use on the face and under make-up. If you are looking for a cream for very dry skin, Dermeze Treatment Cream can help the skin retain its moisture.