Tips for Dry & Sensitive Skin

Dry Skin Explained - Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Dry skin is a very common problem. For most people it may only be a temporary annoyance, but for others it can be an uncomfortable and lifelong experience.
Dry Skin Explained
Skin is our body’s protective barrier against everything we throw at it during our daily life. It retains its soft, flexible nature due to a thin layer of natural oils (lipids) that help maintain the skin’s moisture content. Dry skin starts to appear when this protective skin-barrier is disrupted in some way and moisture is lost from the outer skin layers (epidermis). When this happens, skin can begin to feel tight, dry, or rough, and start to itch. In severe cases, skin can become red and extremely itchy and start to flake, crack and bleed. Patches of dry, itchy skin can appear anywhere on your body, but you’ll most often find them on your arms, hands, lower legs and scalp.

Dry skin often occurs when the oils that help maintain your skin’s moisture levels are stripped away from the skin’s surface. There are various everyday activities that can cause skin dryness in this way, including:

  • Over washing or using harsh soaps and detergents.
  • Taking long hot baths or showers, or regularly swimming in chlorinated pools, all of which tend to remove natural skin oils.
  • Another common cause of dry skin is the weather – exposing your skin to dry (low humidity) air increases moisture loss and the likelihood of skin dryness.
  • Cold and windy winter weather along with warming fires and heaters all reduce air humidity and help dry out your skin.
  • Summer sun, in combination with hot dry air or indoor air conditioning, can also dry out your skin.
  • Internal factors can also contribute to dry skin, for example:
    • A skin condition such as eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis or ichthyosis.
    • Ageing – as we get older our skin changes and we are more likely to get dry skin. Hormone imbalances during menopause can also affect your skin.
    • Certain medications, such as diuretics (fluid tablets) or retinoids (for skin conditions) may cause temporary dry skin problems . It’s best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you think your medications may be causing your dry skin.
Dry skin is not usually a serious problem, but it may need a bit of looking after to help prevent complications such as cracking and infections.

Try to identify what could be causing your dry skin and then avoid any triggers. You may want to consider taking shorter, less frequent baths, using a soap-free body wash for sensitive skin, rugging up when you go out in the cold or having a humidifier in your room.

Using a moisturiser for dry sensitive skin (emollients) can help restore the skin-barrier by preventing water loss and replacing skin oils. Moisturising cream needs to be applied liberally several times a day, with the best time being straight after a bath or shower when your skin is damp.

Not all moisturisers are the same – generally, the thicker the moisturiser the more oil it contains and the better (and longer) it works. Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you on the moisturiser that may best suit you – this can depend on such things as how dry your skin is, which part of your body is affected and what type of moisturiser you prefer.

You can help minimise dry skin with the Dermeze range of soap-free wash, moisturising lotion and cream, which are all fragrance-free and irritant-free. So, when you are feeling dry the good news is that with careful skin care and avoiding potential triggers you can help keep dry skin under control.

When washing

Applying moisturisers

Applying moisturisers


Cold weather/Hot weather



Seasonal moisturising and external factors


Moisturise regularly


Dress comfortably


Turn down the heat


Keep bath time short and sweet

Eczema in winter – four tips to help your child

One in five children under 2 years of age has eczema — an inflammatory skin condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red and dry. Typically, the condition flares up from time to time and then subsides. In winter, the combination of dry air and low humidity can dry out the skin, potentially triggering a flare up. Other factors in winter time, such as indoor heating, can also add to the risk of a flare. 

Here are a few things you can do to help your child feel more comfortable this winter:

4 Foods You Didn't Know Could Cause Skin Irritations


Citrus fruits
Foods containing nickel

4 Foods You Didn't Know Could Cause Skin Irritations

If you are prone to dry, itchy and inflamed skin, your diet may be to blame. Find out what foods may be causing your skin irritation.
Why does my skin become irritated?
Itchy, irritated skin can be triggered by many factors, ranging from dry skin to certain fabrics, and even food allergies.

Here are four examples of foods that you may not have realised that can cause skin problems:
What Can You Do?

If you suspect you’re allergic to one or more of these foods, should you avoid them completely?

When a food allergy is confirmed, avoiding that food can help reduce dermatitis symptoms. However, food elimination diets are not recommended for everyone so speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Your doctor can also give you advice regarding management of your dermatitis.

If your dermatitis is causing you discomfort, you can help minimise the dryness with the Dermeze range of soap-free wash, lotion and creams which are fragrance free, and irritant free.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. If you have any questions about the topics discussed, please speak to a healthcare professional.

Daily Tips for Dry and Sensitive Skin

Depending on your skin’s moisture needs, you can use Dermeze Moisturising Lotion or Moisturising Cream or Dermeze Treatment Cream.
Apply Dermeze Treatment Cream as often as needed, particularly in the morning and evening after bathing or showering to help seal in your skin’s moisture.
Apply Dermeze Soap Free Wash liberally to wet skin, gently massage into a light lather, then rinse thoroughly with water and pat skin dry. To help maintain skin’s moisture, apply Dermeze Treatment Cream after bathing or showering.
Apply Dermeze Moisturising Cream as often as needed, particularly after bathing or showering to help seal in your skin’s moisture.
Apply Dermeze Soap Free Wash liberally to wet skin, gently massage into a light lather, then rinse thoroughly with water and pat skin dry. To help maintain skin’s moisture, apply Dermeze Moisturising Cream after bathing or showering.
Apply Dermeze Moisturising Lotion liberally as often as needed, particularly after bathing or showering to help seal in your skin’s moisture.
Apply Dermeze Soap Free Wash liberally to wet skin, gently massage into a light lather, then rinse thoroughly with water and pat skin dry. To help maintain skin’s moisture, apply Dermeze Moisturising Lotion after bathing or showering.
These images are not intended to diagnose skin conditions or replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Presentations of dry skin may vary between individuals.